Uploading Images to Digital Assets

Editors can upload images directly to the Digital Assets page so that writers can import them into their articles.

Important: Each site has its own Digital Assets page, so make sure that you’re on the correct site before uploading any images.

Begin by navigating to the ‘Digital Assets’ page on the left hand menu.

Once on the Digital Assets page, click ‘Create’ in the bottom left corner.

On the ‘Embed URL or HTML field’ click ‘Upload.’

You will then be taken to your device’s library to select the images that you want to upload. You can upload multiple images at a time.

Important: Writers search the media library by file name, so make sure to name your files in a way that will make them easier for writers to find.

Once the images are uploaded, you can fill out several optional fields on each image, including:




Attribution URL

Once done, click ‘Save’ to upload the images for users to find.

Important: Once an image has been imported into an article, it can no longer be edited from the Digital Assets tab unless it is removed from the article.

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