Creating a New User
A user profile allows people to access Fabrik CMS, although your ability to access certain functions is dependent on whether you are an Admin, Editor, or Writer.
Creating a New User
A user account is required to access the Fabrik CMS and create documents. To create a new user, you must have the rank of Editor or Admin. Editors can assign the role of Editor and Writer, while Admins can assign all roles, including Admin.
1. Begin by navigating to the 'Users' page by clicking the hamburger menu in the top left corner of Fabrik and then clicking 'Users'.
2. To begin creating a user, click 'Create' in the bottom left corner of the 'Users' page.
3. To create a user, complete the following fields:
Username: The username used to log in to Fabrik
Slug: This will usually be firstname-lastname
Name: The person's full name.
Email: The email address used to complete account creation.
Timezone: The user's timezone, this can be changed at any time.
Add Organization: Select any organizations that the person should have access to.
Add Application: Under the Orginization, select any Applications within that orginization that the person should have access to.
Create Associated Authors: Selecting this option will create authors for the user in any Applications that they have been added to. This step is necessary for users who will be publishing articles but is not necessary for users who only need access to Fabrik and will not be publishing any articles.
4. Hit 'Save' when the profile is complete to send the user an invite to Fabrik.
User Email Verification
Once you click save, the user will be sent an invite to the email associated with their account. The user will need to click the signup link and register within 72 hours, otherwise, the invite link will expire for security reasons.
If you need to send a new invite link, an admin can do so from the user's profile page by clicking "resend invite."