Creating Topics

New Topics can be created by Editors of an application.

To begin, navigate to the Topics page in the left-hand menu in Fabrik.

Then click 'Create' on the bottom right-hand side of Fabrik.

Complete the following required fields:

  • Title: The title of the category (e.g. The Bachelor, TikTok, Barack Obama)
  • Slug: The URL slug of the category page (e.g. the-bachelor, tiktok, barack-obama)

Complete the following optional fields:

  • Meta Title: The title of the topic page that Google and other search engines will see.
  • Meta Description: The description of the topic page that Google and other search engines will see.
  • Image: Fabrik allows users to upload a relevant image to Topic pages.
  • About: Fabrik allows users to add relevant copy to Topic Pages.

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