
Fabrik's Topics are an important taxonomy system that helps users and third parties such as Google to determine the subject of documents. Unlike Categories, which are broad categorizations, Topics are very specific categorizations.

On a website that covers a broad range of subjects, the following would all be considered Topics:

  • Specific television shows, movies, and other pieces of entertainment (e.g. The Bachelor)
  • Specific people (e.g. President Barack Obama)
  • Specific brands and platforms (e.g. TikTok)
  • Specific events (e.g. The Summer Olympic Games)

The broadness of Categories and Topics is narrowed on sites that cover a specific subject. On a website that only covers sports, Football and Basketball may be considered Categories, while individual players would be considered Topics

Whereas as a site that covers a broad range of current events, Football and Basketball would likely be considered Topics under the Category of Sports.

Below, we can see that Distractify's taxonomy is structured as such: Homepage > Category > Topic

Topics also have their own pages, featuring a feed of all articles assigned to that Topic by users. These can be found at

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